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[IMAGE : Bidouille pour définir une largeur minimum sous IE 5.0]


Shell Shows & Events

The 28th and 29th of September 2024

The 1st and 2nd of November 2024

The 1st of December 2024

The 29th and 30th of March 2025



Welcome on the A.F.C. website

SAVE THE DATES : RIC 2025 - 29 & 30 March,2025

WARNING : Last issues available at a special rate for members

Man passion for shells comes from the origin of mankind. They have been already used at the prehistoric era to construct necklaces. Then the Mediterranean people used them in classical antiquity to make the Royal Purple dye, manufactured from the mucus-secretion of the hypobranchial gland of a marine snail known as the Murex brandaris. Natural scientists began to collect and sort them by giving them names at the Renaissance.
Their great color and shape variety always fascinated people who collect and use them as garnishment, as money, as emblems for pilgrims and finally as collection items... [Read further]

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Last update : 26/01/2022